Do you love or hate camping?
We are back from a three-week camping trip! We did it! Although, we knew we could as we've done two weeks previously, but this was the first time that after my husband, Jason helped us set up, he would leave for the workweek. ItGoldendoodle dog, Millie with us for the first time as well.
We did a lot, saw a lot, had fun, but it was also a bit trying at times especially that first week with sibling boys and a dog that all wanted my attention. But we made it work and the boys had fun hiking mountains, collecting rocks and playing on the beach all day through dusk. As adults, we got enjoy playing board/card games family/friends, sitting around the campfire and watching the kids splash in the lake.
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However, as much as we all love camping, there are parts of it, I was so ready to be over with already. I lead this list off saying there are more positives than negatives but yet here are some things that I tolerated but will definitely NOT miss now that our trip is complete.
- I will not miss the 700 steps it takes to walk round trip to get to the public bathroom and back. #Fitbit
- I will not miss seeing the daddy-long-legs spiders share the bathroom stall with me.
- I will not miss having to put on my shoes, my sweatshirt, do I have pants on(?) before I head to the bathroom.
- I will not miss walking in the dark from the bathroom and then think ' that a skunk I smell....? Oh no, oh no...' as I walk much quicker and quieter back to our campsite.
- I will not miss the little annoying flying bugs that enjoy crawling on my kindle as I try to read before bed at night.
- Nor, all the mosquitos and biting flies that I have to get my fly swatter out to get rid.
- I will not miss having "camp toes" - dusty dirt roads, sand, water, smoke all while wearing sandals
- I will not miss having to find a lighter or start-up the grill when its time to get cooking.
- I will not miss holding it in all night or if I do have to go to the bathroom at 4 am in the morning...well, see numbers 1-4.
- I will not miss the wind so strong coming off the lake, that it's difficult to even be outside. We couldn't hear each other over the wind; the beach chairs, water rafts and clothes on the clothesline all being tossed around.
- I will not miss having to drive a few miles up a hill to get a cell signal and more than that to get to an ATM or go food shopping.
- I will not miss having to find time to sneak a few minutes away to check my social media pertaining to my website and other internet related activities.
- I will not miss the kids having free access to candy whenever they felt like it as they had their own money and would often head up to the playground/store.
- I will not miss the continuous trips 30 minutes of travel time to the nearest Wal-Mart for items that I had forgotten the last time I was there. Ketchup? Sorry kids, mom forgot, have your hotdogs without it please. (insert shocking gasps from the kids here).
- I will not miss the public showers!
- I will not miss hand washing dishes at camp!
- I will not miss the small amount of space for two kids, two adults and a big (dirty) dog that we have to share with the "I'm bored" looks and cries. "Boys, anyone notice there is a beach right outside our door?"
- I will miss not knowing what is going on in the world; no TV, just the car radio.
- And I will definitely NOT miss the unpacking! The pictures below is just some of what my home looked like once the car and trailer were emptied.
What about camping do you put up with even though you love it? Comment below and let me know!
I love #9, sometimes it's worth it to just hold it so you don't have to go through all the rigmarole just to go to the bathroom.
Also #19. Packing isn't bad because you have something to look forward to. Unpacking stinks though. I always seems like I unpack and put away more things than I packed!
Thanks Paul for reading and commenting! I hear you on both and especially on #19 - I hate the unpacking but packing is actually on my 'What I'm going to miss' list as the excitement of getting ready for the trip is fun!
You camp completely differently from us 🙂 We aren't really park people. We find an old forest service road and a primitive camp site and pitch a tent! Bring out own water and go without electricity (always using the truck to charge my phone!). I wish I could spend as much time camping as you guys did!!
Oh, I am SO over camping. For all the reasons you list and more. When it rains, I hate being cold and wet and having to try to get out of wet clothes in a tiny space without getting everything else wet as well. I hate not having my own soft, comfy bed.
But ...
I loved the freedom the kids had when we camped in the bay. They had beach and water, woods and rocks. They got brown as little berries and slept like logs.
They're all grown up now with kids of their own.
Do they go camping?
Two do, three don't.
Reckon they're over it too 🙂
Nice post Christine,
Christine 🙂
Exactly why I love camping as well! All the negatives definitely don't outweigh the positives at least for me! It does create some wonderful memories too. 🙂 Thank you for stopping by and commenting.