Ladies, I write this one for you (and me). There are times when it is anatomically harder to be a woman and I know you all know what I mean when I sing the bladder control song from a commercial "Gotta Go, Gotta Go, Gotta go right now"!
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Whether hiking or camping, there are times when you either just plain refuse to use the scary porta-potty or smelly out-house that forces you to find a leafy part of the woods to "pop a squat". Okay, stay with me here as I have some options for you. These options are for 'number 1' as 'number 2' is a whole 'nother story!
As mentioned above, if you're able to squat down than by all means, you've got this covered and probably don't even need to be reading this post! When I was younger, I could do that too however I also managed once to sit in a patch of poison ivy, so my advice is to keep reading for more options!
Grab a tree (to hold your balance) and squat down facing the tree, after you have pulled your pants down. If you have an uphill area, whereas your derriere is facing downhill, even better! Hopefully gravity will work in your favor on this one so that it flows down instead of all over your shoes.
What if you could pee standing up? Most of our problems would be solved then! Right? Well, now on the market there are many different Female Urination Devices. Yes, you read that right. Devices shaped and work like a funnel to help women pee discreetly while standing. Just think of the bonding you can do with your man as you both stand and pee together!
Here are some of my favorites:
Go Girl Urination Device - Allows women the convenience of going to the bathroom standing up. Reusable by washing with soap and water. And includes a reusable storage tube with a baggie and tissue. TheCraftyPrepper has a great review of the Go Girl featured here.
P-Mate Female Urination Director - Comes in packs of 5, 10 and 20. This device is disposable so when your through, throw it away! Here is a video from on how it was developed and it's uses:
I will definitely be bringing one of these devices with me the next time we go hiking. It's just so unfair for a woman to either hold it or have to pee on her sneakers!
I used the kids portable potty when I had to when we were camping!
Haha Maura, I remember you had said that! Hey whatever works!!
I consider myself something of an expert on bush-peeing. I've found that the trick to not peeing on yourself is to get low! And no, you don't have to exert yourself terribly to do so; as you said, you can hold onto a tree (or stump) or you can also brace your hand on the ground in front of you (but make sure in front of you is not downhill! You don't want to have to choose between pee running over your hand or moving your hand and falling on your face! ). And I say "hand" singular because the other hand should be holding the bunched up crotch of your pants/panties to make sure they stay out of the line of fire. Also, the lower you are to the ground, the less splash there will be. But to help with splash, pick your toilet spot with that in mind. Grass, moss, etc is great. Rocks, packed dirt, etc will splash!
Hi Jaclyn, Thanks for the comment! You are hilarious and so right on what you just said! The problem for me is being able to "get low"! My knees don't agree with that so the hold on to a tree and your undies with the other is pretty much what I would be doing and praying I don't fall or pee on myself!