Every year we dye Easter eggs with one of the little kits you in see in the stores. Sometimes they usually contain little cups with tiny dye tablets that you add water and vinegar to at home. My kids love it, as it's a tradition we do each year. But it's messy, right? The eggs end up splashing up on their clothes as the eggs are dropped into the little cups. They get the dye on their fingers. We still do the egg decorating every year regardless of the mess, well because they love cooking up the eggs, decorating and of course eating them!
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The Easter egg decorating kits have gotten better over the years. They come with more fun items, such as stickers, cardboard stands and/or wax crayons to add more of a variety to the egg decorating process. They also now come in different themes and characters. As they are fairly inexpensive, I let each child pick out one egg decorating kit.
A couple of years ago, we came across the 'EggMazing Decorator kit' and I knew I had to have one for my kids (and me!) for their Easter eggs. I ordered mine on Amazon, over to Amazon and ordered it. When the EggMazing Decorator kit arrived, I put it aside until it was time to do Easter eggs. You also, may want to get one now, and put it away until Easter.
As my kids are growing older, I've been giving them more responsibility. My kids enjoy cooking in the kitchen. And I love that they can take part in helping. This year they helped by cooking the eggs. I had my oldest use a slotted spoon and carefully put each of the eggs into the water warming up on the stove.
Then when the eggs were done, I carried the pot to the sink and ran cold water on the eggs. I then had my younger son, use the same slotted spoon to scoop out the hard-boiled eggs from the pot and put them into a bowl. This way, each child got a job in helping to prep the eggs for coloring.
Since I wasn't sure how the eggs would come out with the EggMazing Decorator Kit, I purchased a couple of traditional Easter egg decorating kits as well. This proved to be a good idea because only one person can use the EggMazing Decorator machine at a time!
While the hard-boiled eggs cooled, we got the traditional egg kits mixed up with water and vinegar as instructed on the package. When the eggs were cool, it was time to get to work!
**Parenting Tip** - I love to purchase vinyl plastic tablecloths to put down to cover our workspace. Easy clean up and just roll it up and toss it away or save it for the next mess. (There's always another mess!)
At first I was thinking, the markers wouldn't be bright enough or it won't work properly. That was not the case. We added batteries, add a hard-boiled egg....and the addiction began! This is a total game changer. It makes vibrant Easter eggs and it's a whole lot of fun!
Watch it in action below!
I want to order one of those!
They are super fun and I’m looking forward to egg decorating this year - haha