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Camp mornings often start with a chill in the air. It's can be difficult to get out of bed when you're cold, but you know that once you get the coffee brewing, your senses will also begin to awaken. Then a smile comes to your lips as you remember, you have bacon to make for breakfast this morning!
And that’s when it hits you....
At first it comes to you in a slow whiff as you're taking in the smell of fresh air and...An ohh so smokey... so delicious smell. A smile comes to your face as you take a deep breath and enjoy the smell of another camper cooking bacon!
The best part of waking up...
Now you're up and out of bed because there are only a few smells that will make you want to get out of a warm sleeping bag. I don’t know what it is about bacon but next to coffee and cinnamon rolls, it’s one of my favorite things to have when camping.
And if you’ve never had it over the charcoals then you are missing out! We have a Table Top Grill that we like to use to cook on when camping. I've heard of some people taking slabs of bacon and throwing it right upon the grill grates. But not me, as the thought of losing one piece would be very disappointing, especially when we are usually all clamoring for the last piece.
Heavy-duty tin foil
Enjoy the looks of envy
Lay your packet of yumminess on the grill grate over the coals. Put the lid on your grill and wait. Make up some coffee while you're waiting. Enjoy the many envious looks of other campers as they walk past your site thinking 'Ohhh is that coffee and bacon I smell?'
We love making pancakes or eggs on a griddle, while we wait as it does take quite a while for bacon to be fully cooked. Take the grill cover off, and peek inside the tin foil package occasionally to flip the strips as needed. Burnt bacon still tastes good but nobody wants that!
Easy clean-up
After the last piece is gone, it's time to clean up. Let your tin foil of bacon grease cool completely before disposing of it. As this will be a magnet for night-time critters, be sure to wrap it up tightly before putting it in the trash can. Sometimes, I even put the tin foil ball into a sealed plastic bag to help keep smells contained. Before walking away, be sure your trash can cover is tight.
Easy clean up and what a great way to start the day!
Nothing beats bacon - it is a food group within itself - a bit like potato - you just can't do it wrong because it is so delicious! Leanne @ cresting the hill
So true Leanne! Thanks for the comment and leaving your link!
And all I ate for breakfast today was toast. Now I want some bacon. Never saw it cooked on a skewer. What a cool idea.
Happy A-Z!
Kicking MS to the Curb
Nickers and Ink Poetry and Humor
Practically at Home
(I'm doing 7 blogs for the A-Z Challenge this year, but those are a few.)
What? 7 blogs for the challenge and here I thought one was a lot. Very inspirational! I hear ya as I also just had a yogurt but after I keep looking at that picture of the bacon, I too wish it was that and not the plain ole yogurt.
The ONLY thing better than bacon over a grill when you are camping is if it is bacon you RAISED yourself... which tastes like bacon only better. I could almost smell the goodness reading your blog. Thanks!
I have never tried grill bacon it is now on my list
@MontanaHens on Twitter, Instagram & Pinterest
I love the smell of bacon cooking too. So delicious! You can't go wrong with bacon. I grew up camping and have many fond memories although I'm not sure we ever cooked bacon on the grill. I wish we had!!
I am not able to focus on commenting. All I want is to start grilling the bacon NOW! A very interesting theme Christine 🙂
I can't think of a better B food word. Or a better scent to smell when hiding out in the bathroom 🙂
Farin from The Newest Vazquez